Browsing Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) by Title
Now showing items 84-103 of 458
Fertigation Scheduling in Hydroponics System for Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms
(2008)A computer program for fertigation scheduling in a hydroponics system has been developed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithms (GA). The ANN model was used to establish the relationship between the ... -
Fertilizer recommendation: correlation and calibration study of soil P test for yard long bean (Vigna unguilata L.) on Ultisols in Nanggung-Bogor (Jurnal)
(2010)Yard long bean (Vigna unguilata L.) 777 was grown in Ultisols, which typically have low pH and high P-fi xation, to determine the best correlation of soil extraction methods for soil P with yields, and to develop soil P ... -
Fisiolgi Adaptasi Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) terhadap Cekaman pH FRendah dengan Al Tinggi
(1995)Two Al-tolerant genotypes (KB 44001 and Genjah Jepang;) and two Al-sensitive genotypes of soybean (Kedelai Lumut and KB 46015) were subjected to A1 concentration (1.50 mM A1 with pH 4.0) in hydroculture for 3 weeks; the ... -
Fluks Metana dan Karakteristik Tanah pada Beberapa Macam Sistem Budidaya
(2006)Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas that has a high heat trapping capacity thus potentially contribute to the global-warming. Agriculture is considered among the responsible emission sources of CH4. Relationship ... -
Fluoresen Klorofil Benih: Parameter Baru dalam Penentuan Mutu Benih
(2003)It has Been shown that chlorophyll content of seeds was negatively correlated with germinability towards the end of maturation. Physiological maturity was achieved when the chlorophyll fluorescence reached a minimun. -
Grain Quality Improvement in Japonica Rice : achievements and prospects
(2009)Several high grain quality rice varieties have been developed during the 2000’s. These varieties showed translucent, zero white-core, glossy and uniform milled-grain appearance, high palatability score of cooked rice and ... -
Growth and Production of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius Dennst. Nicolson from Different Corm Weights
(2007)The effect of different seed corm weight on the growth and production of elephant foot yams (Amorphophallus paeonifolius Dennst. Nicolson) were studied. Two forms of corm with same weight were prepared, i.e., whole corm ... -
Hasil dan mutu benih kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) dengan budidaya basah
(1995)Field experiment for soybean seed production was carried out in Darmaga Experimental Station from June to September 1992. Three varietes of soybean, namely Lokon, wilis,and Amerikana (early, middle, and late matirity, ... -
Heterosis dan daya gabung karakter agronomi cabai
(2010)The objective of this research was to study heterosis and heterobeltiosis effects of fi fteen chili genotypes (Capsicum annuum L.), the general combining ability (GCA) and specifi c combining ability (SCA) of six chili ... -
Hubungan Antara Aktivitas Nitrat Reduktase Pada Akar Dan Tajuk Dengan Akumulasi Dan Asimilasi N Pada 16 Inbred Jagung
(1986)The relationships between nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in the shoots and roots, NRA versus net nitrate uptake, and NRA versus accumulation of nitrate and reduced N were studied in 15-day-01d greenhouse-qrown seedlings ... -
Hubungan Antara Penggenangan Dini dan Potensi Redoks, Produksi Etilen dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi (Oryza sativa) Sistem Tabela
(2003)The research was conducted at the Rice Research Center, Sukamandi and at the Biotechnology Research Center, Bogor. A two factors factorial experiment was arranged on Split Plot Design, where three levels of submerging: ... -
Hubungan Asam Lemak Rantai Pendek, Stratifikasi Dan Giberelin Pada Perkecambahan Embrio Apel
(1994)The objective ofthe present experiment was to determine the inhibitory properties of short chain fatty acids (SCF A) in apple embryo germination. The result showed that the SCFA inhibition on apple embryo germination was ... -
Identification and analyses of short chain fatty acids in apple seed parts during stratification
(1994)The objectives of the present studies were to identify the presence of short chain fatty acids (SCF A) and investigate SCFA changes in apple seed parts during stratification. Hexanoic, octanoic, nonanoic, and decanoic acids ... -
Identification of a notched kernel gene associated with pre-harvest sprouting using oryza glumaepatula introgression lines in rice
(2007)Pre-harvest sprouting in rice is related to the lack of a normal dormancy level during seed development and maturation. The prominent effects of pre-harvest sprouting are lower yield due to harvest losses and end-product ... -
Identification of Co-Dominant DNA Marker Tightly Linked to Tm-2 Locus in Tomato
(1999)Tm-2 adalah gen yang mengendalikan ketahanan terhadap tomato mosaic virus (ToM V) pada tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum) daD berasal daTi Lycopersicon peruvianum. Pada penelitian ini digunakan dua galur tomat yang mempunyai ... -
Identifikasi Beberapa Aksesi Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) Melalui Analisis RAPD dan Morfologi
(2009)The objective of this research was to study and cluster of Jatropha germplasm belonging to University of Sriwijaya. This research was conducted from September 2007 until July 2008. The research used 14 accessions of Jatropha ... -
Identifikasi Gulma pada Dua Tipe Perkerasan Taman (Konblok dan Grasblok)
(1995)Weeds constitute one the main problems encountered in urban parks, Including those growing on paved park grounds, because in addition to impairing the beuty of the parks they also reduce their fuction and durability. By ... -
Identifikasi Somaklon Padi Gajahmungkur, Towuti dan IR 64 Tahan Kekeringan Menggunakan Polyethylene Glycol
(2006)The drought stress tolerant and high yielding rice is needed in upland rice system. The changing global climate makes dry season longer, resulting in the reduction of rice production. There should be an effort to introduce ... -
Indeterminasi Sekuensial Pembungaan dan Ketidakmampuan Produksi Kedelai di Lapang Akibat Penambahan Cahaya Kontinu pada Kondisi Terbuka dan Ternaungi
(2005)Additional continuous light (photoperiod of 24 hours/day) with irradiation value of 0.61 cal/cm2/minute and illumination value of 59 lux was able to suppress the development of flowering, pod building, grain filling and ...