Browsing Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) by Title
Now showing items 45-64 of 458
Cara Penanaman Setek Buluh Bambu Betung, Andong, Temen, Hitam dan Tali
(1997)Experiments of the planting method of two nodes culm cuttings horizontally and one node culm vertically were carried out on Dendrocalamus asper, Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea, and G. atter (Experiment l), and D. asper, ... -
Catatan Penelitian (Research Note) Production of Seedling of Carica papaya L. by Carica parviplora (A.DC) Solms. Onterspecific Hybrids Using Embryo Rescue
(2004)A methode of embryo rescue to produce seedlings of Carica papaya x Carica parviflora (A.DC) Solms. Interspesipic hybrids has been developed.iquid medium of 0.5 Murashige and skoog nutrients containing kinetin (0.25 uM) ... -
Catatan Penelitian Studi Karakter Umbi dan Kandungan Nutrisi Dioscera spp.
(2004)Dioscorea was a member of Dioscoreaceae, ordo of liliales and class of Monocotyledoneae. Two types of Dioscorea were annual and perennial. As much as 50-60 species of 600 species was cultivated as foodsource. This research ... -
Characterization of doubled haploid derived from anther culture for new type upland rice
(2010)Anther culture is one of tissue culture methods which can be applied to plant breeding programs in order to accelerate the process of obtaining pure lines. The successful development of rice varieties is highly dependent ... -
Combining ability of several introduced and local chilli pepper
(2010)The objective of the study was to identify the combining ability of several introduced and local chilli genotypes and heterosis effects of their offsprings, as a result of the hybridisation process. This information will ... -
Daya Gabung dan Heterosis Ketahanan Pepaya (Carica papaya L) terhadap Penyakit Antraknosa
(2007)This study was conducted to determine the relative importance of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability and heterosis effects on resistance to C. gloeosporioides in selected papaya genotypes. A half diallel ... -
Daya Hasil Tiga Varietas Padi Unggul PB 50, Bah Bolon,dan Citanduy serta Stabilitasnya
(1988)The yield data of rice (Oryza aativa L.) varieties included in two sets of advanced yield trials, were used in the study. Each of the sets consisted of 12 rice varieties. The trials were conducted at 6,3, and 9 locations ... -
Daya kultur antera beberapa persilangan padi gogo dan padi tipe baru
(2010)Anther culture provides rapid route in obtaining pure lines in a single generation through producing green haploid plants that may be spontaneously doubled. This technique has been used for crop improvement especially in ... -
Defisit Evapotranspirasi sebagai Indikator Kekurangan Air pada Padi Gogo (Oryza sativa L.)
(2005)The research was conducted to study the correlation between deficit of evapotranspiration and yield decreasing. Factorial experiment was arranged in Randomized Block Design. First factor was irrigation frequency of 1, 2, ... -
Deteksi Dini Tanaman yang Mengalami Kekurangan Air untuk Menentukan Waktu Pengairan
(2002)Detection of water stress in plants may help to schedule irrigation and improve water use eflciency. The objective ofthis study was to determine the reflectance vegetation index (RVI) obtained from remote sensing of the ... -
Development of SCAR Marker for Detection of Sex Expression in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) from Several Genetic Backgrounds
(2008)Papaya plants are hermaphrodite, pistillate, or staminate. Sex inheritance in papaya is determined by a single gene locus with three alleles of M which is dominant for maleness, MH for hermaphrodites and m which is recessive ... -
Dinamika Populasi Gulma Pada Olah Tanah Lestari Dengan Perlakuan Herbisida
(1987)The experiment were carried to evaluate the dynamic aspects of weeds as a result of herbicides and soil conditioners in patchouly minimum tillage program" Experiment were done in IPB Experimental Station of Latosol Darmaga, ... -
Efek Aplikasi Synechococcus sp. pada Daun dan Pupuk NPK terhadap Parameter Agronomis Kedelai
(2005)Synechococcus sp. is a species photosynthetic bacterium that has symbiotic mutualism with plant. Research on this field is not many. Foliar application of this bacterium may increase the growth and yield characteristics. ... -
Efek Suhu Simpan dan Pelapis terhadap Perubahan Kualitas Buah Pisang Cavendish
(2000)The objective of the experiment was to determine the effect of coating materials and storage temperatures in inhibiting the ripening process of banana fruits. The experiment consisted of two factors namely storage temperatures ... -
Efektivitas ekstrak tumbuhan untuk mengeliminasi clavibacter michiganensis Subsp. Michiganensis pada benih tomat
(2010)Objectives of experiments were to evaluate (1) in vitro inhibitory effects of plant extracts on Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), (2) inhibitory effects of plant extracts on Cmm infected tomato seeds, ... -
Effect of Calcium on The Growth and Ion Uptake in NaCl-Stressed Plants
(1995)Peanut and kidney bean give similiar reponses to salt stress showing a more severe growth reduction, as compared to spinach, leaf beet, barley cultivars and wild barley. Calcium showed the protective effect on salt injury ... -
Effect of Different Nitrogen and Potassium Rates on Agronomic Characters of Aloe indica
(2007)A field study was conducted to investigate the growth of Aloe indica with different rates of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers at the Germplasm Centre, Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University. ... -
Effect of Silicate on The Growth and zion Uptake in Nacl-Stressed Plants
(1995)The purpose of this experimentw ast o investigatet he effecto fSi on theg rowth and ions uptake (K, Na, Ca, and Mg) in rice, bean and barley plants grown in saline conditions. Rice and bean plants were subjected to 0 and ... -
Effect of Tree Litter Application on Lowland Rice Yield in Bangladesh
(2007)The effect of tree litters on rice yield (cv. BR11) was evaluated in the study. Four kinds of tree litter, i.e., ipil-ipil or lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala (Lamk) De Witt), sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), akashmoni (Acacia ... -
The Effects of Pot Sizes and Number of Plants per Pot on the Growth of Amorphophallus muelleri Blume
(2010)To determine the effects of pot sizes and the number of plants per pot on the growth of Amorphophallus muelleri, seed corms weighing 100-125 g were planted in polyethylene pots. In the fi rst experiment, a corm was planted ...