Browsing Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 458
A critical period of lowland rice to weed competition
(1980)There was no significant difference between duration of weeds-free 12, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after-planting, and the whole-life) period of lowland rice on its vegetative growth, but there was a significant difference on the ... -
Adaptasi dan stabilitas hasil galur-galur padi beras merah pada tiga lingkungan tumbuh
(2009)The aim of this research was to study the adaptation and yield stability of red rice genotype obtained from back cross selection in three different growing environments. Twenty genotypes of red rice obtained from back cross ... -
Adaptasi tanaman kedelai terhadap intensitas cahaya rendah : karakter daun untuk efisiensi penangkapan cahaya
(2006)This research was conducted to identify some leaf characters related to light capture efficiency. It used split plot design with sub plot nested at the main plot. The main plot was light intensity consisted of two levels: ... -
Agribisnis terpadu bersistem Leisa di lahan basah : Model hipotetik
(2000)LEISA refers to forms of agriculture that seek to optimize the use of locally available resources by combining the different components of the farm system (i.e. plants, animals, soil, water, climate and people) so that ... -
Aktivitas hormon endogen dalam buah anggur Muscat of Alexandria muda tanpa biji hasil induksi antibiotika
(2002)The experiment was conducted to determine the activity of endogenous hormones in young seedless berry of Muscat of Alexandria (MOA) grapes induced by streptomycin (SM) and spectinomycin (SE). Young berries dipped in 200 ... -
Aktivitas Nitrogenase, serapan hara dan pertumbuhan dua varietas kedelai pada kondisi jenuh air dan kering
(2006)The objective of this experiment was to study nitrogenase activity, nutrient uptake, and growth of two soybean varieties under saturated and dry soil conditions. The experiment was conducted in the plastic house at IPB ... -
Akumulasi dan distribusi bahan kering pada beberapa kultivar kacang tanah
(2010)This research was carried out in April–September 2007. The research objective was to study the dry matter distribution pattern of several peanut cultivars. Twenty cultivars were planted at two different locations, Cikarawang ... -
Alat IPB 77-1 untuk pendeteksian vigor benih jagung (Zea mays L.) oleh keragaman faktor indus
(1983)The experiment was conducted in Seed Science and Technology Laboratory, Bogor Agricultural University and Muara Experimental Station, Bogor on the planting season of 1980 to 1981. The blending corn variety D}ffi3 and DMRS ... -
Allelopati pada pertanaman jahe
(1992)Series of experiments to elucidate suspected allelopathic effect on second planted consecutive ginger were caried out in Tajur from October 1988-August 1989 and in Cimulang from November 1989-June 1990. 1hefirst experiment ... -
Analisis kedekatan hubungan antar genotipe pepaya berdasarkan karakter morfologi dan buah
(2010)A study was conducted to determine the variation and relationships among papaya genotypes based on morphological and fruit characteristics in order to produce high quality papaya fruits. Fruit characterization study ... -
Analisis pembandingan pola keanekaragaman pisang introduksi berdasarkan penanda fenotipik dengan penanda RAPD dan pendugaan korelasi antara keduanya terhadap komposisi genomiknya
(2005)Banana accessions introduced from INIBAP Transit Center (ITC) have been studied their diversity revealed on phenotypic and RAPD markers. Both of them showed different clustering pattern and not fit to genomic composition. ... -
Analisis pencapaian produktivitas pemetikan pucuk sebagai dampak agrowisata di kebun teh Gunung mas, Bogor
(2006)The objective of the research was to study the impact of agro-tourism on production of tea bud. The experiment was conducted at Gunung Mas Tea Plantation, Bogor, from June 2004 to March 2005. Blocks 3, 5, 8, 10 and 17 at ... -
Analisis Pertumbuhan dan Fenologi Trubus pada Berbagai Struktur Tajuk Durian (Durio zybethinus)
(2004)Two Paralel exdperiments were conducted to study the effect of training and pruning on the growth and development Durian. Two-year old durian clones Matahari and Monthong had been pruned and or trained for 19 month as ... -
Analisis Stabilitas Hasil Beberapa Varietas Padi di Berbagai Linkungan
(1987)Stability analyses for yield across environment were conducted for a set ofrice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties, Twelve rice varieties (743,744,637,669,661,672,556,030,733,041,557)were tested in randomized block design with 4 ... -
Analisis Stabilitas Hasil Tujuh Populasi Jagung Manis Menggunakan Metode Additive Main Effect Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI)
(2006)The objective of this study was to identify the stability of seven sweet corn genotypes as breeding result of Center for Crop Improvement Studies (PSPT), using Additive Main Effect Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) method. ... -
Anatomi Daun Kacang Hijau Genotipe Toleran dan Sensitif Naungan
(2008)The research to study the leaf anatomy of tolerant and sensitive mungbean genotypes to shading was conducted at Research Station of the Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Institute (ILETRI) from September to December ... -
Antibiotik sebagai Induktor Buah Tanpa Biji pada Anggur
(2000)Four kinds of antibiotics were examined, viz. streptomycin (SM) and gentamicin (GM) as bactericidal antibiotics and tetracycline (TC) and spectinomycin (SE) as bacteriostatical antibiotics. Kyoho and Pione (tetraploid ... -
Aplikasi Bioaktivator SuperDec dalam Pengomposan Limbah Padat Organik Tebu
(2006)The development of a suitable technology for handling sugar cane plantation’s solid organic waste especially bagasse, filter mud, and trash is one of the most important concerns in the management system of sugar cane ... -
Aplikasi Pupuk Organik dan Residunya untuk Produksi Kedelai Panen Muda
(2008)The study was conducted to investigate the effect of different organic manures and their residues on the production of vegetable soybean. The experiments were conducted at IPB Research Station in Cikarawang, Darmaga, Bogor; ... -
Application of Deep Sea Water (DSW) for Nutrient Supplement in Hydroponics Cultivation of Tomato : Effect of supplemented DSW at Different EC Levels on Fruit Properties
(2007)Deep sea water (DSW) has the potential characteristics for nutrient supplement in hydroponics cultivation. This experiment was carried out to evaluate the application of DSW as a nutrient supplement for tomato cultivation ...