Studi Kualitiatif Mengenai Alasan Menyitir Dokumen:Kasus pada lima mahasiswa program Pascasarjana IPB
Qualitative Study on Reason for Citing Documents: A case study of five Bogor Agricultural University's post-graduate students This paper is a qualitative study to find out why the postgraduate, the respondents of the study, cite documents. The respondents are the students of Biology, Extension Development, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Agronomy study programmes. It is found out that many reasons are used by the students to cite documents. They are used to identify methodology and equipment, to describe related research and provide background reading, to support research results, to describe concepts, ideas, definitions, theories and materials for comparing the methods of the study. The reasons are cate- STUDI KUALITATIF MENGENAI ALASAN MENYITIR DOKUMEN: Kasus pada lima mahasiswa program Pascasarjana IPB Juznia Andriani Pusat Perpustakaan dan Penyebaran Teknologi Pertanian gorized as professional motivation as they are related to the content of the documents. The respondents cite many kinds of documents, such as abstracts, journals, books, review literature, research reports, newspapers, proceedings, semi-scientific publications, theses, and disertations. They also cited government publications and manual. However the mostly cited documents by the students are journals, books, proceedings and theses, which are written in English. The students do not have any difficulties in terms of understanding the English texts. According to the year of publication, the most cited journals are published in 1990 onwards. This shows that the respondents use relatively current information in writing their theses or dissertations, whereas the ones who use the old published documents think that the information is still relevant to be cited. Keywords: Citation, motivation, qualitative study