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dc.contributor.authorJayne M. Mcclenahan
dc.contributor.authorFayrene L. Hamouz
dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Budi
dc.contributor.authorMartin J. Marchello
dc.contributor.authorJudy A. Driskell
dc.description.abstractSensory characteristics of broiled and grilled patties from grain-fed bison were evaluated by a 13-member trained sensory panel. Ground patties (approximately 113 g, 12.2 cm diameter, 0.9 cm thick) from 6 grinding dates were broiled (260C) or grilled (163C) to 71C internal temperature. Cooking time was significantly shorter (p < 0.0001) for grilled than broiled patties, while cooking yields were similar. Broiled patties were judged to have a more gray than brown surface color, a more red than gray interior color, to be more juicy, and to be more tender than grilled, while their aromatic and flavor intensities were
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSensory Evaluation Of Broiled And Grilled Bison Patties By Trained Panelistsid

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