Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Comparison between traditional and industrial soy sauce (kecap) fermentation in Indonesia 

      Wilfred F. M. Röling | Apriyantono, Anton | Henk W. Van Verseveld (2010)
      Growth of lactic acid bacteria and amino acid production at an Indonesian soy sauce manufacturer, employing modern Japanese process technology, indicated that brine fermentation for one month is sufficient for industrial ...
    • Low Molecular Weight Compounds Responsible for Savory Taste of Indonesian Soy Sauce 

      Lioe, Hanifah N. | Apriyantono, Anton | Kensaku Takara | Koji Wada | Hideo Naoki | Masaaki Yasuda (2004)
      Indonesian soy sauce is made using only soybeans as the nitrogenous source. Moromi obtained from fermentation of yellow soybeans using Aspergillus sojae as the starter was investigated. The fraction with molecular weights ...
    • Rate of browning reaction during preparation of coconut and palm sugar 

      Apriyantono, Anton | Aristyani, Astrid | Nurhayati | Lidya, Yeni | Budiyanto, Slamet | Soekarto, Soewarno T. (2003)
      The objective of this research was to analyse the rate of browning reaction during preparation of palm and coconut sugar. Brown colour formation during preparation of coconut sugar at a laboratory scale followed a zero ...
    • Sulfur-Containing Volatiles of Durian Fruits (Durio zibethinus Murr.) 

      Weenen, Hugo | Koolhaas, Wim E. | Apriyantono, Anton (1996)
      The fruits of three varieties of Indonesian durian have been analyzed by GC-MS and flavor dilution analysis. Twenty-four of the 43 peaks that contributed to the flavor of the 5 diluted extract, as detected by sniff-GC, ...