Browsing Faculty of Forestry by Title
Now showing items 75-94 of 188
Hubungan Wetabilitas Terhadap Keterekatan Tiga Jenis Kayu Struktural
(2008)\\'ood characteristics and glue are the two main factors affecting gluability. This is one way of predicting gluing ability. The objective of the research were to identify : ( I ) wetability in corrected water absorption ... -
Hypsipyla shoot borers of Meliaceae in Indonesia.
(1996)In Indonesia, Hypsipyla robusta has been recorded from the native Toona sureni and several introduced species, principally Swietenia macrophylla. Impact has been severe, particularly on the mahoganies, trees aged three to ... -
Integrated catchment management for sustainable water use in response to climate change
(2009)Watershed management issues in Indonesia include declining water quality. To date, management approaches have addressed the symptoms rather than the cause. Land management, including the conversion of native forest to oil ... -
Kajian Daya Dukung Ekologi Dan Psikologi Untuk Kegiatan Wisata Di Taman Bertema Studi Kasus: Taman Wisata Matahan, Cisarua Bogor
(2013)The research aimed to analyze lhe maximum number 0/ tourists which can be accepted by Taman WisaJa Matahari site withOJl( creating environmental changes thai cannot be Qcc~pted Qfld'or reducing the quality o/tourists' ... -
Karakteristik Papan Komposit dari Serat Batang Pisang (Musa, sp) dengan perlakuan Alkali
(2005)Penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada pemanfaatan serat batang pisang sebagai bahan baku alternatif dalam pembuatan papan komposit. Bahan baku alternatif ini dibutuhkan oleh sektor industri karena keterbatasan bahan baku ... -
Karbon dalam rantai suplai kayu
(2010) -
Kebijakan Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia yang "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" dengan Pengembangan Potensi Lokal Ethno-Forest-Pharmacy (Etno-Wanafarma) pada Setiap Wilayah Sosio-Biologi Satu-Satuan Masyarakat Kecil
(2009)Hutan tropika Indonesia menghasilkan beranekaragam spesies tumbuhan obat yang sangat besar manfaatnya untuk memelihara kesehatan umat manusia. Saat ini hutan tropika Indonesia seluas 119 juta hektar sedang mengalami kerusakan ... -
Komposisi Jenis dan Struktur Hutan Kerangas Bekas Kebakaran di Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum, Kalimantan Barat
(2005)The objective of the research was to know species composition and structure of ex-burned heath forest. Field research was carried out from 23 June to 5 July and 10 to 25 September 2004 on the foot-slope of Semujan Hill, ... -
Land Use and Land-Cover changes of Conservation Area During Transition to Regional Autonomy: Case Study of Balairaja Wildlife Reserve in Riau Province, Indonesia
(2008)Land use and land-cover change is a prominent issue for tropical forest management in South East Asian countries. However, the issue has seldom been addressed in Indonesian I I forest management policies even after the ... -
Land, Ethnicity and the Competing Power Agrarian Dynamics in Forest Margin Communities in Central Celebes, Indonesia
(2002)Framed with a concept of agrarian dynamics it is shown that agrarian structure is a socially-made structure. By analyzing two cases of villages situated at the forest margin Lore Lindu National Park in Central Celebes, it ... -
Litter Production of a Mangrove Forest in East Sumatra, Indonesia
(1997)Estimation of litter production in Bruguiera parviflora, B. sexangula, and B. sexangula-Nypa fruticans communities in the mangrove forest in Talidendang Besar, East Sumatra, Indonesia, was done from May 1990 to June 1991 ... -
loping Procedures for Optimization of Tank Model’s Parameters
(2003)Tank Model is one of the hydrological models for analyzing the characteristics of river flow. The model can give information of water availability and be used to predict flood occurrences. As it is commonplace, this model ... -
Mangrove forest resources in Indonesia
(2004)Mangrove forests are widely distributed throughout the tropics where they grow abundantly along the coasts. The estimated total area of mangrove forests in Indonesia is 4.25 million ha, which represents about 20% of the ... -
Masalah Kelembagaan dan Arah Kebijakan Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan
(2006)Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai masalah kelembagaan dan arah kebijakan rehabilitasi hutan dan lahan yang semestinya dapat ditetapkan. Telah ditunjukan oleh banyak referensi bahwa kionerja ... -
Membangun pengelolaan kolaboratif kawasan hutan konservasi di indonesia
(2011)Forest resource conflicts amongst governments, local or indigenous communities, and businessmen has oftenly occurred in many contries, including Indonesia. Such conflicts may happen either in the area of production forest, ...