Now showing items 1-10 of 25
Lactic Acid Produced from Tapioka and Sago Wastes
(The Japan ASEAN Exchange Program Fund Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), 2005)
Liquid waste as consequences of tapioca and sago starch industries has caused environmental pollution. Mono- and disaccharides are dominant in the waste. These components are easily fermented to produce lactic acid, a ...
Volatile flavor components and antithrombotic agents: vinyldithiins from Allium victorialis L.
(American Chemical Society, 1988)
Fraksinasi Komponen Nonpolimer Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea Javanica) Untuk Memperoleh Agens Pengeruh
(PERSADA, 2008)
Dammar is Indonesian nontimber agro forest products, one of them is cat eye dammar. This dammar has been recognized as the best dammar in the world and can be used as food additive. This research was conducted to develop ...
Klorin versus Pangan
(Suara Pembaharuan, 2007)
Konsultasi Bisnis dan Penempatan Kerja (KBPK) di Institut Pertanian Bogor Tahun 2001
Kegiatan Konsultasi Bisnis dan Penempatan Kerja(KBPK) tahun anggaran 2001 merupakan kelanjtna dari kegiatan tahun sebelumnya. Ragam kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah Pelayanan Konsultasi Bisnis; Seminar Pembekalan; Studium ...
Karakterisasi Sifat Fisiko Kimia dan Deskripsi Flavor Daging Buah Beberapa Akses Pala (Myristica sp.)
(PERSADA, 2004)
Nutmeg (Myristica sp.) is available in many types. Understanding about the characteristic of each type of nutmeg, however is limited. This experiment aims to get better information about the differences between nutmeg fruit ...
Pengaruh Ekstraksi dan Fraksinasi Terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidatif Daun Beluntas (Pluchea indica Less)
(Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Jember, 2010-07)