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dc.description.abstractDuring the period of1g85-1gg0, BAKOSURTANAL (National Coordinating Surveys and Mapping Agency) cooperated with Department of Transmigration and United Kingdom for mapping national land resource at scale I: 250.000 by using land system approach. This mapping was intended to identify land development for transmigration. The land system mapping used topographic maps of JOG (Joint Operational Graphic) with scale of 1: 250.000 as a base map. Currently, BAKOSURTANAL is developing land system database. The purpose of this activity is to optimize the use of land system data for various purposes. The developed land system database is directed to the standardization of georeference system and the improvement of the geometric accuracy and attribute data. Using this approach, the fond system database could be functioned as a land resource data for supportingsustainable watershed management by related
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePembangunan Basis Data Sistem Lahan untuk Mendukung Pengelolaan DAS Berkelanjutanid
dc.title.alternativeSistem Informasi Pengelolaan DAS: Inisiatif Pengembangan Infrastruktur Dataid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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