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dc.contributor.authorSubagyono, Kasdi
dc.contributor.authorKartiwa, Budi
dc.description.abstractWater resources are the urgent need for community in a watershed, but the quantity and quality have been degraded due to watershed degradation. Climate change has also affected biodiversity and farming system in the watershed. Unfortunately, climate and water resource management in the watershed is generally under inappropriate plan and implementation due to limit of database and information of water and climate resources. For sustainable watershed management, proper data and information of climate and water resources are urgently required. Information system is built to help policy makers in decision making during planning and monitoring processes of sustainable watershed management. Information system and DSS of climate and water resources are built through the following steps: (7) development of climate and hydrology stations network, (2) development of database of climate and water resources, (3) development of prediction model of climate and water resources, (4) development of decision support system, and (5) implementation of climate and water resources "information system for supporting watershed management. Development and implementation climate and water resources information system need to be parallel with capacity building especially human resources in handling data and its use for watershed management. Integration between sectors concerned to climate and water resources need to be set up to realize sustainable climateand water resources management specifically and watershed management in
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleSistem Innformasi Sumberdaya Air dan Iklim untuk Pengelolaan DAS Berkelanjutanid
dc.title.alternativeSistem Informasi Pengelolaan DAS: Inisiatif Pengembangan Infrastruktur Dataid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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