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dc.contributor.authorPujoyuwono M.
dc.contributor.authorTrinovia, Desi
dc.contributor.authorRichana, Nur
dc.contributor.authorDamardjati, Djoko S.
dc.contributor.authorMurdiyatmo, Untung
dc.description.abstractAmylase enzymes (a-amylase, pan~~vlaspe/,u koan~vlaseh) ave been used in various in~lu~strial prrrposes nowadays food and beverages, textile). Indonesia stiil imiport these enzvmes, &he entvt?ie production is not available. There are ni.0 ~nain proble~ns that constraint the enqvitle production which are not mwilahle high yielding nricroorgnnisni strain and expertises at e~~qvt?ie production technologies. In this research, indigenozrs nlicroorganisnz .vie/ding nn[vlase enqnzes have been isolated and selected@om the soil sample taken from unique iocntic.~nof Indonesia (I/j'ungk ulon, Tanpkztban Peraltu, and Diengj. The purpose qf tl7i.r research is to ohtail7 hi$ ~~ieltlinngii n~lnse strains. Isolation stage yielded 56 isolnles o f nlesophile hacreria ant! 37 isolates therinophile hocteria. .4jier selecfed there are IS i.so1ate.s oJ n~e.sophile bacierin and 5 isolates of thertiiopile bacteria which have high acti~-i<T~h.e. entvme octi~.iim~1.7 ge heent.en 21 8.33- 746.3 I ' i~tl. Tlte Irighesf activity tras showed by isolate 17nnred.lI The prorein ccjnrent range heenr.en 0.82-4.13 mg nrl, ond fhe highesi specific activi& was showed kt.. .\ f [Iio isoiore. There nre j1.e selected isolnfes hove been ident!fied and all of then1 were Bncil/t(s sp. In tlrc electrophoretic ann/i.:c.i.s, there was (I niqj!lor hand which is indicated an nn?ylase
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKarakterisasi Enzim Amilase dari Beberapa Strain Bakteri Indigenous Indonesiaid
dc.title.alternativeSeminar Nasional Teknologi Panganid

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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