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dc.contributor.authorPiliang, W.G.
dc.contributor.authorDjuwita, I.
dc.contributor.authorWidiastuti, Y.
dc.description.abstractThe ceUulolytk baderia IsoIaCed from the buffalo and cattle namen - RumUtOCOCClU illblU, R. jUlvefacim8, and BaderoUln .uccUtogem - had various adh1ties. The capabWty of these haderia 10 deerade ceUulose ranln from 12.7 10 43.2 '10 per day. The ceUulolytic activIty of the haderia from the bulTalo rumen was higher than that from the cattle rumen In pure aa well .. In mind culture. De&radatlon rate of the buffalo rumen haderia w .. 43.2 Yo per day .. hIIe of the cattle rumen haderia .... only .... only 16.3 '10 per day. In pure culture, the delradadon rate of R. illblU from the buffalo rumen .... 21 '10 per day, whlbt that from the .,attle rumen .... 12.7 Yo. It could be concluded that the superior chander of the buffalo rumen baderia waa due to lndh1dualgenetic fadon as .. eO as the synergetic activldel of the bacterlal population In the buffalo rumen. The amylolytic bacteria Isolated from the rumen .. ere StreptOCOCCUI boy. and Baderoide8
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDNA Recombinant Technique For Producing Transgenic Rumen Microbes In Order To Improve Fiber Utilizationid

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