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dc.contributor.authorSumantri, C.
dc.description.abstractThe study was done to know the distribution and frequency gene the incidence of deletion and mutation in exon 14111 of Mx1 gene in pig. Six hundred base pairs at the position (1937 to 2537) of the 14111 exon of the pig Mx1 gene was amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) from 15 breed of pig DNA sample. The amplified PCR products were digested by Nar I enzyme that called Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. The results show genetic polymorphism at the 14111 exon of pig Mx1 gene. The Nar I digested revealed three phenotyphic variation (qc, C/N and N/N, designated for Nar I cut homozygote, heterozygote and for Nar I no cut homozygote, respectively). Type 1, the Nar I (NfN or C/N) is corresponding to the deletion U bp at the position 2064 to 2075. This type was observed only in Landrace breed.. Type ~ the Nar I (NfN or C/N) is corresponding to incidence of two point mutation at the position 206S Guanine (G) change to Thymine (T) and at the pOSition 2124 Guanine (G) change to Adenine (A). This type was observed in Chinese native pig (Meishan), Vietnamese native pig (I and Moncai), Yucatan miniature and Goettingen. The gene frequency of (N) type 1 observed most commontly in Landrace (0.49). The (N) type 2 observed in Meishan (0.63), I pig (0.86), Mongcai (0.25), Yucatan miniature (0.25) and Goettingen (0.25). Key words: Deletion, mutation, frequency gene, pig Mxl gene and
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDistribusi dan Frekuensi Gen Kejadian Delesi dan Mutasi Pada Exon-14 Gen MX1(Gen Resisten Terhadap Virus Influensa) Pada Berbagai Bangsa Babiid

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