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dc.contributor.authorIsnafia, I.A.
dc.description.abstractFennated sausage is one type of meat product wtUctt ClIft be appIkated In a IIOpicaI dhnate Hke 1ndottesJa. The use of starter ca1ture Wee lactic add bacterial can help fennentation procen and call improve quality product, however st4JCk of this starter In Indonesia is still rare 80 research of making starter culture which can be appHcated in Indonesia it needed. The purpose of this research WII to make dried stalter culture for fermented sausage using LfICfobadlltts pltmtarum II this bacterial and sucrose or malt extract as uyopnk agent. The raul .. sltowH that viability and water COfttetlt of dried &tatter culture Wft'e aot .Iplflc:aatly diffeftllt (p>CUJS), but pH value and lactic add contellt were lipifiCllfttly different (p<O.o5). The ttarter cultures ClIft be applicated in fermented Aasa .. because their viability is above 108 CF'U/g KI!J WfJt'tIs: dry stalter culture, fermented AUsa., criogeaic
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Bahan Kriogenik dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Karakteristik Kultur Kering Sosis Fermentasiid

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