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dc.contributor.authorHardjosoewignjo, Soedarmadi
dc.contributor.authorKismono, Ign.
dc.description.abstractThe experimcClt studied the use of centro aYld setaria :l:.1 t..~e mixed croppmg with maize. In th8 village :rrea especially in the dry land area, com is the main food for farmers after rice. In order to L':1CreaSe their income, they sometimes rear cattle and food crops. The use of forage crops, i..l1cludinS legumes and grasses in the mixed cropping with crops like maize is still very limited. In order to get information on the use of forage Ll1 the mixed croppLYlg with maize, a factorial experiment in ramdomized block design with two factors, i. e. cropping com~ bination and plant density, waS conducted on latosol soil at Tajur Experiment Farm, Bogor AgriculturallJniversity. 'rhe results showed that maize lxmocul ture gave t..~e highest maize yield, but gave the lowest forage production. Al though th:; mhed cropping between maize and setaria gave the highest forage production (could increase carrying capacity nearly to eiBht animal uni t/ha/year) , the such cropping supressed com yield of 80 %. The cropping between maize and centro gave forage production e::].ual to 1.39 animal uni t/ha/year without supressing statisti-: cally the yield com. Lower maize yields \lere obtained with high density of planting
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudi Banding Penggunaan Centro (Centrosema pubescan, Benth.) dan Setaria (Setaria splendida, stapf) dalam Pertanaman dengan Jagung (Zea mays, L.)id

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