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dc.contributor.authorSehabudin, U.
dc.contributor.authorAgustian, A.
dc.description.abstractNative chicken is a well-known cultivated form of farming system by the Indonesian people living in the villages. The native chicken population is mOlt relatively high among other poultry. All this time, the native chicken can be relied on as the household income source and support in preparing the animal nutrition food of farmer in the villages. This research is intended to describe the characteristic of native chicken farming system, and analyzed its income structure from the native chicken at well at teeing its contribution towards the total income received by the farmer in West Java and East Java. Thit research isuting a secondary data for cost farm structure (Central Bureau of Statistics), result of research and literature frOm other sources. The results of research as follow: (1) Number of native chicken farmer (1995) is 36 949 in West Java and 39 559 in East Java; (2) The level of education of the farmer generally are graduated and not graduated from elementary school (67.7 %) in West Java and 85.9 % in East Java; (3) The native chicken farming system maintenance is generally a combination of stall system and liberated system; (4) Investment used in this farm is a self-aupporting capital; (5) Based on the native chicken farm analyses the average income was obtained Rp 10 493/ head{ year in West Java and Rp 8 28S in East Java; (6) Income contribution from this native chicken farm towards the total household income in a year is 49.9 % in West Java and 12.9 % in East Java. With various benefit and valued contribution, it is obvious that the development of native chicken farm could be more intensified. The development of native chicken farm can be balance with the development of the other chicken (li1ce layer and broiler) farm. Profit share joint cooperation partnership between the farmer (as plasma) with the company who own its core business in the breeding woof (as the nucleus) is one effort in developing the chicken farm this day. Key Words: native chicken, contribution of farming system, profitid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKarakteristik dan Kontribusi Usahatani Ternak Ayam Buras terhadap Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Peternak serta Alternatif Pola Pengembangannyaid

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