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dc.contributor.authorRosadi B.
dc.contributor.authorBoediono, Arief
dc.contributor.authorMohamad, K.
dc.contributor.authorAgungpriyono, Srihadi
dc.contributor.authorSukra, Y.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this experiment was to study the developmental competence of single and aggregated embryos in vitro and phenotyfic aspects of chimeric mice. Chimeric embryos were produced by aggregation of 8-cell stage embryos from two strains of mice that have different coat coloration (white and brown). Zona pellucida were removed using 0.25% pronase and aggregation was done by physically micro-manipulation. The aggregation rate between combination of white mice embryos (W:W) and white mice embryos and brown mice embryos (W:B) (56/64, 87.5% and 41/46, 89.1% for W:W and W:B). Zona removal and aggregation did not affect (P>0.05) the development competence of embryos cultured in vitro up to expanded blastocyst stage. The development rate embryo up to expanded blastocyst of single embryo with zona, without zona and aggregated two ernbryos was not different (PS.05) among the treatment (64/74, 86.5%; 24/32, 75.0% and 39/54, 72.2% for single embryo with zona, without zona and aggregated two embryos, respectively). Twenty four aggregated embryos (W:B) were transferred to pseudopregnant recipient, two chimeric mice were born phenotypically white color with brown spotted (male and female). Biological tested showed that both female and male chimeric produced mic-e were fertil.These results concluded that chimeric mice could be produced by aggregation of 8-cell stage embryos and cultured in vitro without zona pellucida. The development competence of embryo in viti-o was not affected by zona removal and
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleProduction of Chimeric Mice by Aggregation Embryos Methodid
dc.title.alternativeProsiding I Seminar Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Hayat
dc.title.alternativeProsiding I Seminar Hasil-Hasil Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Hayat

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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