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dc.contributor.authorRukmini, Herastuti Sri
dc.contributor.authorNur, M. Anwar
dc.description.abstractThe utilization of rice bran in Indonesia is still very limited. It is usually used only far feed. Since its contens of protein and fat is relatively high, the potential uses for human consumption is promising. This can be achieved among others by improving its pro&& quality. Rice bran protein has a gmt potential in food industries, especially if its functional properties can be modified to suit a certain characteristics for food production. Therefore, it is important to improve the functional propemes of rice bran protein. Acetyiation and succinylation were studied to see the influences of the reaction on the functional properties of rice bran protein isolate. The results of this study indicated that thc smzinyiated rice bran protein isolate was good in its solubility and it had excelent emulsifying
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePembuatan Isolat Protein Terasilasiid

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