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dc.contributor.authorHariadi, Bambang
dc.contributor.authorHerman, Racmat
dc.description.abstractTwenty five young male local rabbits varied from 630 to 730 gram (695 + 29 gram) were used, to study the effect of protein level on the feed consumption ,grain, conversion, digestibility of energy and TDN. Five rations'were also used. Protein contents were 9.% (A), 12% (B), 15% ( C ) , 18% (D) and 21% (E) , respectirelly. .Crude fiber, f a t and energy content were the same for a l l rations. The study was carried out in a randohzed completely design, with . 5 treatments and 5 replications. The result showed that the averages of dry matter consumptions were 2581, 2654, 2898, 3151 and 3308 g, that of gain were 215, 341, 366, 384-and 471 g, and that of feed conversion were 18.11, 8.13, 8.20, 8.65 and 7.44 g. That of digestability of energy were 1272, 1187, 1275, 1449 and 1606 calori&, and those of TDN were 280, 275, 308, 353 and 362 g per animal, respectivelly. The effect of prot6in level on consumption an& gain was significant (PB.05) and that on conversion, digestability oE energy and TDN was not significant.- The relationship between protein level and consumption, and gain were highly significantly linear (PLO.01) and between protein level and feed consuinpti~n was significantly linear (PLO. 05) .id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Kadar Protein Ransum terhadap Performans Kelinci Lokalid

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