Pengaruh Infestasi Beberapa Isolat Cendawan Penghuni Tanah terhadap Meloidogynespp. pada Tanaman Tomat
Potential of Some Soil-inhabiting Fungi as Antagonistic Agensts Against Meloidgylle spp. on Tomato. The potential of 16 isolates of soil-inhabiting fungi as antagonistic agensts against root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal) Chitwood and M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood, was evaluated on potted tomato plants in the greenhouse. The fungi were infested to the soil in the form of their spore suspensions 01' their cultures on a rice-bran - sawdust (DK) substrate. The results showed that, based on the number of galls formed per gram of roots, infestation with twelve fungal isolates, i.e. Hyalotlome sp., Scytalidium sp., Cephalosporium sp., Vesticilhum sp. and Glioc1adium spp. (two species), Aspergilus niger, Aspergillus spp. (two species), Penicillium sp. and two unidentified isolates, significantly reduced galling by the nematodes. The reduction in galling occurred primarily when the fungi were infested as their cultures On the DK substrate. Almost all of the fungal isolates On the DK substrate significantly reduced the loss in the dry weight of tomato plants and that in the fruit yield caused by infestation of the nemasodes. Key words: Meloidogyne spp., soil ihabiting fungi, antagonistic agens, tomato.
- Plant Protection [185]