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dc.contributor.authorAliambar, Sabdi Hasan
dc.description.abstractThis study is aimed to observe the changes of physiological values namely rectal temperature, pulse, respiration rate, hematology, and blood chemical composition of russa deer captured by physical as well as chemical restraints. Thirty-six of adult russa deer in three different location: Camplong-NTT, Taman Safari-Bogor, and private properties around Bogor, were used in this study. The restraint methods applied were manually capturing (physical restraint) and general anesthesia using blowpipe containing anaestheticum zolazepam-tiletamine. Data collected were measured three times in 15 minutes intervals, and analyzed by nested design. This study shows that animal boundary or animal movement limitation influences significantly the level of skeletal and cardiac muscle activities. Also the duration of restraint influence significantly the LDH values (p<0.01) that tends to the incidence of capture myopathy. Key words: deer, wildlife restraint, hematology and blood chemicalid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Pengendalian Hewan Terhadap Temperatur, Denyut Nadi Dan Respirasi, Nilai Hematologi Serta Kimia Darah Rusa (Cervus Timorensis - Blainville 1822)id
dc.title.alternativeThe Influences Of Animal Restraint On The Temperature, Pulse And Respiration Rate, Hematological Profiles And Blood Chemical Changes Of Russa Deer (Cewus Tinzorensis - Blainville 1822)id

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