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dc.contributor.authorSudarnika E.
dc.description.abstractA Study was carried out to examine profile of native chicken farming in four distiict of West Java Province, i.e. Sukabumi, Cirebon, Karawang and Cianjur. Six hundred smallholder chicken fanners were interviewed. Chicken in all fanns was vaccinated with Newcastle Disease vaccine and the effect of vaccination was evaluated by pre and post vaccinated antibody titer using Haemaglutination Inhibition Test (HI). The aim of husbandry is for self consumption (37.2%) and not regular sell (36O/), except in Karawang, 78% respondents sell their chicken about twice a year. The husbandry system is traditionally extensive (80.3%) and semi intensive (19.7%). ND may cause high mortality and high economic loss. 56'10 respondents have vaccinated their chicken minimal once a year. The chicken with not vaccinated have low antibody titer (GMT=5.02), however, the effect of vaccination is different between the location after vaccinated, that is the good effect in Sukabumi and Cirebon (GMT-84.4 and 44.32) and poor effect in Karawang and Cianjur (GMT523.92 and 7.0). All districts have the potency for the development native chicken agribusiness. Kata kunn': ayam buras, Newcastle Disease (ND), vaksin NDid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleGambaran Peternakan Ayam Buras Rakyat Di Empat Kecamatan Di Jawa Baratid

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