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dc.contributor.authorTaurusman, Am Azbas
dc.contributor.authorDahuri, Rokhmin
dc.contributor.authorKusumastanto, Tridoyo
dc.description.abstractThis research has been done on December 1998 until April 1999 in Segara Anakan area, Cilacap, Central Java. The objectives of this research are therefore to identify the sedimentation model of Segara Anakan lagoon, to determine the environmental carrying capacity for shrimp culture activity, and the sustainability management of shrimp culture business in this area. The result ofthis research finds that the sedimentation rate of Segara Anakan during rainy season is 13 1.08 kg/m2/day or 1,048,640,000 kglday (total lagoon area 800 ha) sediment material and 3.69 kg/m21day (29,360,000 kglday) organic waste. Optimum area of the shrimp pond which is suitable to environmental carrying capacity is 480 ha, consisting of 371.38 ha traditional plus technology and 108.62 ha semi-intensive technology, so the particular scope can be the main source of income for 1,174 shrimp farmer breadwinners or 42.09% of the whole breadwinners in KampungLaut community. From economics point ofview, the higher the level of technology, the bigger the profit that the shrimp farmers get. Net Present Value (NPV) of traditional plus technology is Rp. 12,062,566.00, semi-intensive technology (Rp. 82,162,694.00), and intensive technology (Rp. 142,630,754.00). Business profit (NPV) is higher during the peak ofeconomic crisis (July 1998) that is 3.98 times with traditional plus technology, 2.24 times with semi-intensive technology, and two times with intensive
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agriculture University)
dc.titleModel sedimentasi dan daya dukung lingkungan segara anakan untuk kegiatan budidaya udangid

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