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dc.contributor.authorHadi, Djati witjaksono
dc.contributor.authorThohari, Machmud
dc.contributor.authorMuntasib, E.K.S. Harini
dc.description.abstractThe spotted deer (Axis axis Erxl) which live in the yard of the Bogor Palace originated from the border of India-Nepal. Three pairs were introduced in 181 1. This deer population has survived and increased in the number of individuals. During 1979 - 1984 the population density fluctuated between 12.64 and 16.45 individuals per Ha. An observation has been made on the population characteristics, the habitat and the management of the deer population. Intensive management is required to manage the population growth, to manipulate the habitat and to maintain the ornamental value of the spotted deer in the yard of the Bogor
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudi Tentang Kharakteristik Populasi Rusa (Axis axia Erxl) dan Cara Pemeliharaanya di Halaman Istana Bogorid

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