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dc.contributor.authorKusmana, Cecep
dc.description.abstractSeven species of mangroves were recorded in the undisturbed mangrove forest Six of these species also grew in the logged-over mangrove forest at the study site (Tembilahan, Riau). Rhbophora apiculata stood out as the predominant species at all stages ofplant growth in both undisturbed and loggedover forests in Tembilahan This species grew in close soc cia ti on with Bruguiera sexangula forming an imporrant vegetational community in the studied mangrove forest Like in other locations, mangrove forests at the study site had a low plant diversity index (H<2.00)N. onetheless, the diversity index for the tree stage was relatively higher than that of the regeneration
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKeragaan Beberapa Sifat Dimensi Tegakan Pada Hutan Mangrove yang Dikelola dengan Sistem Silvikultur Pohon Indukid

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