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dc.contributor.authorRodiah, Diah
dc.description.abstractFeline scabies is a skin disease caused by infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei or Notoedres cati mites within the stratum corneum. The disease is easy to treat if the diagnose is made properly. In total 95 cases of feline scabies were detected at The Jakarta Animal Hospital for periode of August 1997 up to July 2000, 80% of them was found in the cats which have long hairs, 20% the short hairs cats. The highest case (49,47%) was Persian. By treating them with 200 fJ.glkg body weight of ivermectin (ivomec@) subcutaneusly, 77,89% of affected cats was recovered totally, while the remaining (22,11%) was in the process of recovery. In addition, the younger cats (less than one year old) was recovered better than the older cat (more than one year old). It was also appeared that cats which have long hairs, the recovery degree was better than the short hairsid
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titleStudi Kasus Skabies Pada Kucing Di Rumah Sakit Hewan Jakarta Periode Agustus 1997 – Juli 2000id

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