Now showing items 1-10 of 156
Research and Development on Horticultural Crops in Indonesia
The objectives of Indonesian horticulture research and development is encourage horticulture agribussiness to increase horticultural product competitiveness, capable to provide employment, increasing fanners' income, to ...
A Neural Network Architecture for Statistical Downscaling Technique: A Case Study in Indramayu District
This research is focused on the development of statistical downscaling model using neural network technique to predict SOND rainfall in Indramayu. SST and rainfall data from multimodel ensemble outputs (derived from 18 ...
Koversi Lahan Sawah, Kecukupan Beras Domestik Dan Konsekuensinya Terhadap Pola Ruang Studi Kasus Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat
Berdasarkan Perda No. 15 Tahun 2000, Kota Sukabumi telah mengalami pemekaran menjadi kecamatan yaitu Baros, Citambang, Warungdoyong Gunungpuyuh, Cikole (kecamatan lama) dan Lembarsitu dan Cibeureum (Kecamatan baru). ...
Food Product Development as a Food Factor: lesson learned from the Development of Corn Noodle Processing Technology
This paper presents our experience in conducting research and development (R&D) of corn noodles. The R&D process covered the steps of product concept generation, formulation and processing development to obtain noodle ...
Pada awalnya, untuk mengklasifikasikan sekuens baru dari Asam Ribonukelat (RNA) dilakukan pensejajaran dua sekuens. Namun hal ini mengalami kendala apabila terdapat fragmen dari sekuens tersebut yang tidak lengkap. Hidden ...
Contamination of Fecal Coliform and Staphylococcus sp. on Green Grass Jelly (Premna oblong;folia Merr) in Bogor and Effect of Steaming on Microbiological and Physical Properties of the Product
Green grass jelly is one of potential functional food due to its content of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids and chlorophyll. Despite its health benefit, the safety of the products is of concern since the production ...
Biscuit of Carica Papaya L. and Indigofera Sp Leaf for Increasing Milk Production and Quality of Dairy Goat
(Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) Congress, 2014)
This study aims to analyze the effect of biscuit Carica papaya L. and Indigofera sp leaf on milk production and quality at dairy goats. This research was conducted on August-October 2013 at Leuwiliang farm in Bogor, ...
Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Mie Kering Jagung 100%
(Departemen Agribisnis IPB, 2014-02)
Arahan Perencanaan Penggunaan Lahan Pascatambang Dengan Pendekatan Spasial Dan Ekonomi Wilayah Di Kabupaten Luwu Timur
Reklamasi yang dilakukan perusahaan tambang di Kabupaten Luwu terkesan hanya mengembalikan lahan tersedia layaknya peruntukan sebelummnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan lahan pascatambang untuk mendukung pengembangan ...
Nowadays e-Leaming has been widely used to support conventional learning activities because this application provides some advantages for both students and teachers. Combination of this system and face to face sessions in ...