Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Pendapatan Usahatani dan Sistem Pemasaran Cabai Rawit Merah (Capsicum frutescens) di Kecamatan Cigedug Kabupaten Garut
(Departemen Agribisnis, FEM-IPB, 2012-12)
Red chilly (Capsicum frutescens) has shown a high price fluctuation. This situation will have a negative impact to chilly farming and farmers' income. Farmer as a price taker, have to bear this business risk and face ...
Pengembangan Kualitas Padi Varietas Unggul Hibrida dengan Pendekatan Quality Function Deployment (QFD) di Jawa Barat
(Departemen Agribisnis, FEM-IPB, 2011-12)
Rice is the main staple food for Indonesians. Continued Increase in rice demand in Indonesia is heavily related to the country population growth. The use of hybrid paddy seed may increase rice production per hectare by ...
Transmisi Harga Gula Tebu
(Departemen Agribisnis, FEM-IPB, 2011-12)
The objectives of this paper are (1) to describe sugar marketing in Lampung Province and (2) to analyze sugar price transmission, both vertically and spatially. Lampung was chosen as site of this study since this province ...
Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Mie Kering Jagung 100%
(Departemen Agribisnis IPB, 2014-02)
Kelayakan Investasi Pengusahaan Bioetanol Berbahan Baku Nipah di Indonesia Bagian Timur
(Departemen Agribisnis IPB, 2014-02)
Kajian Rantai Pasok Karet Rakyat di Provinsi Jambi
(Departemen Agribisnis IPB, 2014-02)
(Departemen Agribisnis, FEM - IPB, 2015-04-18)
The estate is the mainstay of the economy of Indonesia because of domestic resource-based and export-oriented. Rubber, one of the leading plantation commodities in Indonesia that became the second largest producer in the ...
E-Marketing: Konsep dan Aplikasi pada Sektor Agribisnis
(IPB Press, 2013-01)
Effect of Customer Satisfaction, Trust, Information Sharing, Switching Barrier and Relationship Bond on Customer Loyalty of Professional Services Company: Empirical Study on Independent Sun'cyor Services Industry in Indonesia
1 he competition of independent swveyor services mciustry m Indonesia m the future is very challenging. This service industry still protected by the government to impose restrictions on the activities of foreign independent ...