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dc.contributor.authorSoenaryo, Endang S.
dc.contributor.authorBriawan, Dodik
dc.contributor.authorDamayanthi, Evy
dc.contributor.authorDwiriani, Cesilia M.
dc.contributor.authorEffendi, Yekti H.
dc.contributor.authorDewi, Mira
dc.contributor.authorAries, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractWater is an important nutrient required for the human body. There is a tendency that some people neglect its important roles for health, and it is sometime called a forgotten nutrient. About two-third of our body weight is water. Water have many important roles in the body such as a solvent, catalyst, lubricate, temperature regulator, and as a body mineral and electrolyte supplier. Several studies done in overseas showed that adequate intake of water prevents many symptoms of diseases; improve physical performance and memory capacity. Thirsty is an early and simple indication of pre- dehydration. However, water is not only required when thirsty. Study in Singapore showed that the teenagers and adults (15-24 years) are more likely to be vulnerable to mild dehydration. However, there is no such evidence in Indonesia. Therefore, PERGIZI PANGAN Indonesia, Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB and Danone Aqua Indonesia conducted this study in Indonesia. The main objective of the study is to obtain scientific evidences on types, amount, sources and habitual intake of water among teenagers and adults in two different ecological areas of Indonesia. The specific objectives of the study were: 1) the types, amount and sources of drinking water and beverages; 2) the habitual intake of drinking water and beverages (frequency, time, place); 3) the reasons of choosing several types of drinking water and beverages (bottle water, fountain water, boiled water, soft drink, sport drink, energy drink, milk, juice, and etc); 4) the knowledge on healthy drinking; and 5) the magnitude of mild and moderate dehydration among teenagers and adults. A cross sectional study design was applied to address the above objectives. Considering the influence of the different altitude and temperature (ecological area) on the water supply and intake, two study sites are being chosen, namely: 1) West Bandung, close to Lembang (a highland area with 700-1050 meters above sea level), which reflects a medium temperature (daily temperature is about 22°C); and 2) North Jakarta (a low land area with 5-50 meters above sea level), which reflects a high temperature (daily temperature is about 28°C). This study conducted in October 2008. The sample or subjects for this study is teenagers and adults both male and female). Inclusions criteria of the subjects were: 1) adolescents aged 15-18 year and adults aged 25 - 50 year, 2) they spent most of their time in the study site, and 3) healthy. Exclusion criteria of the samples were they did not suffering from: 1) renal failure, 2) diabetic, or 3) liver failure. Exclusion criteria determined by medical examination and urine analysis.
dc.titleFinal Report Drinking Habits And Hydration Status Among Teenagers And Adults In Two Different Ecological Areas (Kebiasaan Minum dan Status Hidrasi pada Remaja dan Dewasa di Dua Wilayah Ekologi yang Berbeda)id
dc.typeTechnical Reportid

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