Uji bakteri toleran tanin dan pengaruh inokulasinya terhadap mikroba rumen ternak kambing berpakan Kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus)
Three stage experimental trials have been carried out to investigate the ability of tannin tolerant bacteria in reducing tannin concentration and in improving the utilization of calliandra as ruminants feed. The first trial was aimed at studying bacterial potential in degrading tannic acid and condensed tannin in defined medium. Whereas the second experiment was conducted to observe the effect of bacterial isolates inoculation on calliandra degradation (in vitro) and to determine the optimum number of bacteria required for inoculation. The third experiment was the application of the second experimental results in animal (in vivo). Results of the first experiment indicated that the three isolates were able to grow in the presence of tannic acid (3% w/v) and condensed tannin (1% w/v) in the medium. In addition, all isolates could reduce tannin concentration in the medium. Result of the second experiment showed that isolates 3 at the level of 108 cfq/ml final population was the most effective inoculum in degrading calliandra (in vitro). Meanwhile, bacterial inoculation in vivo could maintain higher population of rumen bacteria compared to that of control especially during the first 24 hours investigation. However, longer investigation showed that goats uninoculated with tannin tolerant bacteria were able to adapt calliandra feeding. This result indicated that adaptation process is necessary in calliandra feeding.