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Carbon Stock Assessment In Watershed Rehabilitation Area , Bintuni Bay - West Papua Province

dc.contributor.authorRusolono, Teddy
dc.contributor.authorManuri, Solichin
dc.contributor.authorDarmawan, Arief
dc.contributor.authorNurrochmat, Dodik R.
dc.contributor.authorCharles, Bintang
dc.contributor.authorWulandari, Rina
dc.contributor.authorNurjaman, Agus
dc.description.abstractBP Indonesia, an oil and gas company operating in Teluk Bintuni District, has a commitment to reduce emissions by around 1 million tons of CO2 per year. One of the efforts that has been made to achieve this target is carrying out rehabilitation activities on 1,320 hectares of rehabilitation land. However, this action is still far from reaching the emission reduction target. Therefore, additional efforts are needed through other mechanisms, such as forest carbon offset or other mechanisms that are recognized by the central government and the international community. For this reason, BP Indonesia require a feasibility study prior make further decisions regarding emission reduction strategies that comply with national regulations or international carbon trading requirements. Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University is mandated to conduct the feasibility study for BP carbon offset project. The project deliverables consist of four reports: (i) preliminary report; (ii) mid-term report 1; (iii) mid-term report 2; and (iv) final report. This report is a mid-term report 2, which presents the result of carbon stock inventory survey in BP rehabilitation area located in KPHL Teluk Bintuni, West Papua. BP forest rehabilitation area covers a total of 1,320 ha. Administratively, the area located in Weriagar and Kamundar District, Teluk Bintuni Regency (Figure 1). The planting area is divided into 3 blocks, namely Block I (320 ha), Block II (500 ha) and Block III (500 ha). Planting was carried out in stages according to the location of the block, from 2019 to 2021. Selection of tree species planted in rehabilitation are made based on the habitat type. There are two large habitat type in BP forest rehabilitation area: mangrove and swamp. Mangrove species was planted only on mangrove areas, while sago and fruit trees were planted in swamp areas. Planting distance are made regularly at 3 x 4 m, or 833 trees/ha.
dc.titleCarbon Stock Assessment In Watershed Rehabilitation Area , Bintuni Bay - West Papua Province
dc.typeTechnical Reportid

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