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dc.contributor.authorTamboss, Christ
dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted to study the eflectivity of PMSG (pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin) as an agent of superovulation via intraperitoneal injection on fernale rat. It was expected that through this technique there would be an increasing nurnber of rat's corpus luteurn, implantation and litter size. Eighry-four Spragzre-Dawley female rats were injected with PMSG before mating. The esperimenml rats were divided into 4 groups: control group (injected with saline), dosis A (injected with PMSG 37.5 IU/kg BW), dosis B (injected with 75 IU/kg BW) and dosis C (injected with PMSG IS0 IU/kg BW). Rats were killed on days 4 and 6 of gestation and on the day ofpartus. Corpora lzrten were counted or1 days 4 and 6 of gestation and on the day ofpmtus, the implantation were counted or? day 6 of gestation and litter size were determined on the c[ny ofpartus. PMSG used signrficant!~ (P<O,Oj) raised the number of corpus luteutn. especially on the use of I50 IU/kg BW PMSG on day 4 of gestation. Dosages of PMSG used did not affect (P>O.O5) the nurnber of iinplantation and litter
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEfektivitas Penyuntikan Pmsg Sebelum Perkawinan Dalam Peningkatan Jumlah Korpus Luteum, Jumlah Titik Implantasi Dan Jumlah Anak Pada Tikus Putihid

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