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dc.contributor.authorHermawan, Wawan
dc.description.abstractThe measurement of the soil resistance of paddy fields to plate penetration has been carried out at two locations with different soil characteristics using a penetrometer with the tip of the plate at several penetration angles to a depth of 20 cm. The soil resistance data is applied in the analysis for determination of lug tilt angle, lug size, number of lugs and wheel diameter of a lug wheel designed for plowing at both locations using local hand tractors. Measurement results show that with a plate tilt angle of 45°, produced the highest soil reaction forces, both in the horizontal and vertical directions, so that the lug inclination angle is necessary set to 45°, when lugs receive peak load. For fields with deep hard pans, soil resistance tends to increase sharply at a depth of 0-10 cm and at a depth of 15-20 cm. Soil resistance at a depth of 15-20 cm at a penetration angle of 90° was 60 kPa. For this location the optimum number of lugs is 14, the lug width is 8 cm, lug length is 35 cm and lug wheel diameter is 85 cm. For fields with shallow hard pans, the soil resistance increased sharply from 6 cm to 20 cm depth. Soil resistance at a depth of 15-20 cm at a penetration angle of 90° over 90 kPa. For this location the optimum number of lugs is 14, the lug width is 10 cm, lug length is 35 cm and wheel diameter is 85
dc.publisherDepartemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB Universityid
dc.titleMeasurement Of Soil Resistance To Plate Penetration And Its Application For Determination Of Design Parameters Of A Lug Wheelid
dc.subject.keyworddesign parametersid
dc.subject.keywordlug designid
dc.subject.keywordlug wheelid
dc.subject.keywordplat penetrationid
dc.subject.keywordsoil resistanceid

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