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dc.contributor.authorAminah, Mimin
dc.contributor.authorWachyar, Ade
dc.description.abstractThere were four-model proposed to the development of recommendation of intercropping models for smallholder coffee farmers in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province. First, model-1 (coffee, pepper/lamtoro, chili, and avocado. Second, model-2 (coffee, pepper/lamtoro, chili, and banana). Third, model-3 (coffee, pepper/lamtoro, chili, and clove). Fourth, model-4 (coffee, pepper/lamtoro, chili, avocado, banana, and clove). As a result, model-1 was selected to be implemented as a continuation of recommendation of coffee intercropping models development for improving smallholder coffee farming systems in the respected area. As a continuation of recommendation, it is required to provide technical direction to the implementation of selected coffee intercropping model. In addition, there is an assignment to assess the alternative model, namely intercropping coffee and vanilla. It is considered since vanilla is a high-value agricultural product (green gold) due to increase market demand along with the enhancing number of industrial products. With regard to intercropping coffee and vanilla, it is required to assess the feasibility of these crops both in term of agronomic and socioeconomic aspects. This is because the implementation of intercropping coffee and vanilla is not only aimed to support farming system development but also intended to gain the additional and diversified income of smallholder coffee farmers. dst
dc.titleFeasibility Study Of Coffee Intercropping Models Development For Improving Smallholder Coffee Farming Systems In Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Provinceid

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