Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Chemoreaction drying and its effect on black pepper quality 

      Wulandari, Nur | T, Soewarno | Soekarto | Hariyadi, Purwiyatno (2007)
      By using quicklime (Calcium oxide. CaO) as active reactant in chemoreaction drying, drying process of black pepper can be done at low temperature to minimize the loss of its volatile compounds and to maintain its quality. ...

      Wulandari, Nur | Soewarno T. Soekarto | Hariyadi, Purwiyatno (2009)
      By using quicklime (Calcium oxide, CaO) as active reactant in chemoreaction drying, drying process of black pepper can be done at low temperature to minimize the loss of its volatile compounds and to maintain its quality. ...
    • Chemoreaction Drying And its Effect On Black Pepper Quality 

      Nur Wulandari | Soewarno T. Soekarto | Purwiyatno Hariyadi (2009)
      By using quicklime" (Calcium oxide, CaO) as active reactant in chemoreaction drying, drying process of black pepper can be done at low temperature to minimize the loss of its volatile compounds and to maintain its quality. ...
    • Chemoreaction Drying And Its Effect On Black Pepper Quality 

      Nur Wulandari | Soewarno T. Soekarto | Purwiyatno Hariyadi (2009)
      By using quicklime" (Calcium oxide, CaO) as active reactant in chemoreaction drying, drying process of black pepper can be done at low temperature to minimize the loss of its volatile compounds and to maintain its quality. ...
    • Pengkajian Kemoreaksi CaO untuk Pengeringan Kayu Lunak (Paraserianthes falcataria). 

      Perima., Angga | Syarief, Atjeng M. (2010)
      The objective of this experiment were to measure how many moisture can be absorbed by CaO on some interval time, and to observe the physical change of the woods. Each six logs of softwood (Paraserianthes falcataria) were ...