Sistem ekonomi perkebunan: Persistensi ketergantungan negara dunia ketiga
Economic plentation system: a persistence of the third countries dependence
There was changing in dependency of the economic plnntations system in along time. Ttuo phenomena which always occur is the smallholding estate system are pooeity and underdeaelopment. ln the colonial peiod, though plantation intigrnted to'the exlernal world, but Jarmer plantation neoer change from dependency situation which uas crested by colonial goaernment. At present, when globalization bicome ideology that condition has not change. ln the makro context, dependency in plantation on coToniat period was showed by authoity for source of economic. At present, dependency haue influence in political gouernment. All of goaernment programs haae implicatiin in stagnancy of dependency nqture. Key words: dependency, plantation, pooerty, and underdeaelopment
- Faculty of Human Ecology [214]