Identifikasi faktor-faktor berhenti studi mahasiswa pascasarjana IPB menggunakan regresi logistik dan zero inflated poisson
Factors identification of stop study ipb graduate students using logistic regression and zero inflated poisson
Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) make every effort to increase quality of graduates and percentage of students passing rate. Quality of graduates can be viewed based on the value of GPA and graduation time. Passing rate can be calculated from the ratio of the number of graduates to the number of students in one class. Students stopped the study is one issue that is still a concern because can harm their own students, institutions, and the country. In this research will examine the factors that affect graduate students IPB stop study. The first study in terms of the status of the students stop studies using logistic regression. The second study in terms of the number of occurences of students who stopped the study in each course using Poisson regression. Poisson regression model on the discrete data of the type that sometimes occurs overdispersi value greater variety from the average value. In general, the model can be used for data overdispersi is a zero inflated Poisson regression. The data used in this research were graduate students of data generation IPB 2005- 2010. Based on the results of logistic regression analysis states that male student has the opportunity to stop the study was higher than women, the graduate students coming from PTS have the opportunity to stop the study is higher than those from PTN, students with tuition fee independent source has the opportunity to stop the study was higher than the students receiving scholarship and students are not linear S1 has a chance to stop the study was higher than that of linear S1. Evaluation study conducted by program of study by using zero inflated Poisson regression to model the log shows that the smaller the percentage of married students, an average GPA of S1, and the greater the percentage of students receiving scholarships will increase the number of graduate students who stop his studies while IPB. Logit models showed IPB graduate students opportunities stop study is influenced by the percentage of male students, the percentage of married students, the percentage of college country of origin, and the percentage of scholarship recipients.