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dc.contributor.advisorDjatna, Taufik
dc.contributor.authorMunichputranto, Fajar
dc.description.abstractProductivity is one of company successful indicator in enhancing service quality to customer in producing goods and services. The method that used in this research was Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). OEE as quantitative support productivity measure become the base of company continuous improvement. The aim of this study was to see critical parameters of production line in effectiveness measurement and machine utilization, analyzing requirement of information system based on mobile and then to design a mobile information system to help making preventive decision in production line. The OEE scores included three OEE ratios multiplication: availability, performance, and quality. The scores are inferred with fuzzy inference technique.The next production status is predicted with k-nearest neighbour and all constraints are ranked with RELIEF attribute selection algorithm. To ease the measurement and status reporting, the model supported pervasive access capabilities.en
dc.titleAnalisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi Mobile Bagi Pengukuran Produktivitas dengan Metode OEE pada Lini Produksi di PT.Xen
dc.subject.keywordk-nearest neighbouren
dc.subject.keywordattribte selectionen

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