Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Asuransi XYZ
Financial performance is the result achieved by the company on various activities undertaken in utilizing available financial resources. Financial performance of the application on XYZ Insurance Company consist of five (5) financial ratios, namely (1) Earning Per Share (EPS), (2) Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), (3) Price Earning Ratio (PER), (4 ) Return on Investment (ROI) and (5) Return on Equity (ROE). Research objectives: (1) Analyze the effects of the financial performance of the terms of the ratio of EPS, DER, PER, ROI and ROE independently and simultaneously on stock returns XYZ Insurance Company, (2) analyze the dominant ratios that affect stock returns XYZ Insurance Company. This research used secondary data and method is used multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed the influence of the financial performance of the retun XYZ Insurance Company shares are as follows: EPS not significantly affect stock returns; DER no significant effect on stock returns; PER has a significant effect on stock returns; ROI did not significantly affect stock returns, and ROE no significant effect on stock returns. Based on the calculation of financial ratios independently obtained value of EPS, DER, ROI and ROE is not significant, while the value of PER significantly. For the calculation of financial ratios simultaneously obtained value of F-test of financial ratio has no effect on stock returns. The other thing with the t test analysis of the variables obtained financial performance of dominant influence on stock returns, the PER.
- UT - Management [3465]