Analisis konsumsi lemak, sayur, dan buah pada wanita dewasa di Indonesia
The purpose of this research was to analyze fat, cholesterol, vegetable, and fruit consumption among adult women in Indonesia. This research was carried out through analyzing a data set of Riskesdas collected in May until August 2010 by applying a cross-sectional study design, covered 33 provinces in Indonesia. The final data covered 62 072 women, consist of 39 563 women aged 20 until 39 years and 22 509 women aged 40 until 55 years (include pregnant women). The average total fat intake was 33.2±5.9 g/day. The average total cholesterol intake was 156.6±76.1 mg/day. The average total fruit and vegetable consumption was 139.7±55.9 g/day. The results of Independent samples t-test showed there was no significant different in fat, cholesterol, vegetable, and fruit consumption, between pregnant woman and non pregnant woman (p>0.01). There was significant different in fat, cholesterol, and fruit consumption, between young adult and older adult (p<0.01). Consumption of fat and cholesterol is higher among young adult than in older adult, while consumption of fruit is higher among older adult than in young adult. There was significant different in fat, cholesterol, vegetable, and fruit consumption, according to nutritional status (p<0.01). Consumption of fat, cholesterol, and fruit is higher in overweight adult than in the others, while consumption of vegetable is higher in normal adult than in the others.
- UT - Nutrition Science [2993]