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dc.contributor.advisorUdin, Faqih
dc.contributor.authorSembiring, Abdul Washington
dc.description.abstractApplication of marketing strategy on a company aims to find a position in the field of competition, whether it can withstand the pressures of competition, or they can positively affect these pressures. In situations of high levels of competition, PT Sinar Sosro need the right marketing strategy to be competitive and achieve company goals. In the designing of marketing strategy, companies must pay more attention to internal and external environmental conditions that will be the formulation of corporate strategic marketing and operational management. The purpose of this research, namely : (1) Conduct marketing analysis based on internal and external environmental situation of PT Sinar Sosro, (2) Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats faced by the company, (3) Identify segments and marketing mix of products Sosro Bottled Tea already exists in the market, (4) Formulate and determine the marketing strategy chosen to develop a market share of PT Sinar Sosro. The data collected in this research were primary and secondary ones. The primary data were obtained based on the interview with the company, questionnaires, and direct observation in the field. The secondary ones were obtained from company’s data such as sales report data, competitor’s competitive edge data, the company’s policy related to the examined issues, and from other sources. This research used the approach of strategic management concept. The data and information were processed qualitatively and quantitatively. The descriptive qualitative analysis used to determine the internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) of the company. Quantitative analysis were begun from the input stage with Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) and External Factor Evaluation matrix (EFE) matrix, adaptation stage with Internal-External (IE) matrix and Strength- Weakness- Opportunity- Threat (SWOT), the decision stage is carried out by the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP) with the help of Expert Choice 2000 program. The analysis of the company's internal produced the factors becoming the strengthness and weaknesses of the company. The Company’s strength factors are among others, a guaranteed product quality and has a brand value, company image, competitive prices with competitors, and the vast distribution network of integrated, high quality human resources and trained, and good financial condition. While the weakness was a factor when bottled tea products consumed in excessive harmful to the resilience of the body, using the old production machinery, production depends on the amount of demand, diversification of products that consumers have not widely known, and yet intensive promotional campaign than rival companies. The analysis of the company’s external produced the factors becoming the opportunities and threats of the company. The company’s opportunity factors are among others the population growth continues to increase, reduction and elimination of tax items of soft drinks, lifestyle changes, improving the information technology and food processing, beverages culture. While the company faced the threat factor is the consumption of soft drinks in Indonesia is still low, similar companies more incentive to do promotions, the number of available substitute products, the conditions are not conducive socio-political, exchange rate volatility and the lack of electric power. Based on the IFE matrix with a score of 3.041 and EFE matrix with a 2.537 score, it is known that the company’s position in the I-E matrix in IV cell that is in the condition of grow and develop. The strategies that can be developed in this position are market penetration strategy, market development and products that will be the foundation for the formulation of the SWOT matrix. It is from this SWOT matrix is that can obtain six marketing strategies. The processing with AHP produced the marketing strategy alternative priorities. The first priority is to conduct an intensive campaign (WO2) with a weight of 0.251. The second priority is to maintain strategic distribution channel using the existing good cooperation (WT) with a weight of 0.236. The third priority is to optimize the strategy of operational costs in order to maintain product prices remained stable (SO2) with a weight of 0.179. The strategy became the fourth priority is to increase inventory product capacity (WO1) with weight of 0.167. The fifth priority is to improve product quality to retain existing customers and to get new customers (SO1) with a weight of 0.118. The last priority of the strategy is to actively develop products different from those of the competitors (ST) with a weight of 0.049.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis Strategi Pemasaran Teh Botol Sosro Pada PT Sinar Sosro Kantor Penjualan Bogoren

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