Hubungan Konsumsi Pangan dan Status Gizi dengan Tingkat Kebugaran Atlet Taekwondo Remaja di Pemusatan Latihan Nasional Cipayung, Bogor
The general objective of study was to analyze food consumption, adequacy ratio, nutritional status, and fitness level of adolescents taekwondo athletes in Centralization of National Training Cipayung, Bogor. The research used cross sectional study design with 23 adolescents athletes as samples. The primary data included characteristic of samples, nutritional status by anthropometry (body mass index), and food consumption. The secondary data included fitness level by bleep test (VO2 max values), sit and reach test (flexibility), sit up and squat jump (muscle endurance), and overview of the study site which was Centralization of National Training. The study showed that overall athletes has normal nutritional status. Most athletes were lack of sufficient levels of energy and protein. There was positive correlations between the ages of athletes with flexibility (p<0,05, r=0,456) and muscle endurance (sit up test) (p<0,05, r=0,456). The correlations between with fitness level (VO2 max) was positive significantly correlated (p<0,05, r=0,456).
- UT - Nutrition Science [3024]