Penyelenggaraan Makanan, Daya Terima, dan Konsumsi Pangan Lansia di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Salam Sejahtera Bogor
The objective of this research is study the food service, the acceptance of food and food consumption of the elderly in Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Salam Sejahtera Bogor. The research used a cross sectional study design that was held in November to Desember 2011. The number of sample in this research was taken from 32 elderly. The results showed that the system of the food service in Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Salam Sejahtera Bogor were good enough. The cycles of the meal is seven days with four times meal, each contains three times main course and one time snack food. Most of them like the meal. Based on the correlation test by Spearman, there were a significant (p<0,05) relationship between male samples and food acceptance, but there were no significant (p>0,05) relationship between food acceptance and nutrients adequacy level.
- UT - Nutrition Science [2993]