Pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih ikan gurame yang diberi pakan alami yang disuplementasi hormon pertumbuhan rekombinan
The study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of feeding Artemia nauplii and silk worm supplemented with recombinant growth hormone (rHP) on giant gourami fry to increase its growth. This study consisted of four treatments with two replications. The treatments were (A) Artemia enriched with rHP and silk worm without rHP supplementation, (B) Artemia enriched with rHP and silk worms with not lisated bacteria producing rHP, (C) Artemia enriched with rHP and silk worm with lisated bacteria producing rHP, and ( D) control without rHP enrichment. Giant gourami larvae used was two-day-old after yolk egg absorbed and in amount of 50 fish for each replication. Artemia nauplii of 202 mg wet weight were immersed into 200 ml of rHP solution for 30 minutes, and then it divided equally into each aquarium. Feeding fish on rHP-enriched Artemia nauplii was once a day for one week of rearing. Two gram of silk worms were mixed with rHP and allowed for 15 minutes. Feeding fish on rHP-enriched silk was once a day for 2 weeks of rearing. Fish were raised for 8 weeks and fed on live food ad libithum. The results showed that absolute and specific growth rate of treatments and control was similar (P>0.05). Fish biomass in Treatment A (192.31 g) was relatively higher compared to other treatments (172.88 and 173.95 g) and control (170.50 g). Survival rate of fish in treatment A (99%) and control (100%) was higher (P<0.05) compared to treatment C (91%) and B (89%). Thus, Artemia nauplii could be used to deliver rHP in order to increase growth of giant gourami fry.
- UT - Aquaculture [2055]