Pengaruh tingkat penambahan tepung kunyit (Curcuma domestica val.) dan tepung daun pepaya (Carica papaya L.) dalam ransum terhadap gambaran darah ayam broiler yang mengalami cekaman panas
The experiment was conducted to study the hematological profile of broiler under heat stress and fed with Carica papaya L leaf meal and curcuma domestica val. meal at different level as a feed additive. Heat stress happened ao the third weeks with temperature 34 °C and take care of it for six weeks. The diet contain metabolizable energy (ME) 2900 kkal/kg and crude protein (CP) 21%. Threatments were R1 : control diet, R2 : 99.98% control feed and 0.02% Bambermycin, R3 : 98% control feed and 1% Carica papaya L leaf meal and 1% Curcuma domestica val. meal R4 : 97% control feed and 1.5% Carica papaya L leaf meal and 1.5% Curcuma domestica val. meal, R5 : 96% control feed Carica papaya L leaf meal and 2% Curcuma domestica val.