Keragaan Konsumsi Pangan, Status Kesehatan, Tingkat Depresi Dan Status Gizi Lansia Peserta Dan Bukan Peserta Program Home Care Di Tegal Alur, Jakbar
Home care is a service system which is used to overcome problems arising from the increasing number of elderly population, such as malnutrition. The purpose of this study was to identify food consumption, health status, depression level and nutritional status of elderly participants and non participants Home Care, as well as to analyze the relationship. A cross sectional study was conducted on elderly people aged 60 years and above in Tegal Alur, West Jakarta. A total of 60 elderly (30 participant and 30 non participants) were actively followed as participants. They were interviewed on demography and social economic status, one-month semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, health status, geriatric depression scale (GDS) short version, and assessed by anthropometric measures. Average level of adequacy energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus dan vitamin C of participant relatively lower than non participants (87,5% vs 95,5%; 80% vs 90%; 51,4% vs 59,2%; 104% vs 116,1% and 73,1% vs74,9%, respectively). The study showed that no significant difference in term food consumption, health status, depression level, and nutritional status between the elderly participant vs non participants. And as much as 63,3 % participant and 53,3% non participants experienced more than one type of health complaince and most of them are well nourished and not depressed. The statistical analysis with correlation test showed that health status of elderly significantly positive with the level of depression. While other variables such as duration of illness significantly negative with level of adequacy of energy, protein, minerals, and nutritional status. Percent RDA of energy, protein and minerals are positively associated with nutritional status.
- UT - Nutrition Science [3024]