Model Manajemen Data Spasial untuk Pemilihan Jalur Distribusi Hortikultura
Glle of Ihe primary goals of agrvindusfry is /0 deliver horticultlfre products (vegetables and fruits) 10 [he large/marketplaces timely with minilllum quality loss. This is vilal considering the characleristics of agroproducis porticlI/arly vegelables andfruils which are sensUive to lhejluctllalion a/micro· and macroclimate conditions, methods Qlld the duration of delivery. Therefore. the selection a/transponotion lines for the dislriburiOn of agroproducts becomes a determining key to the minimizing of time delay and quality loss in delivering agroproducts to the marketplaces. This demands the support of spa/ial data that can be utilized to enhance the selection of the best ralites for distributing agroproducts. This study discusses the approach of spatial data management to support the decision makingfor selecting /he best transportation lines to deliver horticullllre products and demonstrates the implementation issues of Ihe software prorotype for handling the distribution of vegetables in Bogar districts. Key worl/s: agroinduslry, horticU/lure distribution, decision support systems, spatial data management