Seleksi Produk Kelapa Prospektif dan Analisis Mutunya dengan Pendekatan Fuzzy
Coconut is a mulrdpurpose plant that can become one of the most prospective comoditIrs in Indonesia Allparts of a coconut plant can be used to produce many products useful to human Ufc This ar(ldr explains the appUcation of cm intelligent system to determine ihc most prospective produd of coconut and ana&ze their qual&. The study wcu conducted in hue phases, ie. srlrrrJon of prospective product with AHP method and quali@ andpis of the prospectiw products with a fuyy preference approach. A case study in PanganaCrrm, West Jaw, reveakd that the nolvn coconut wcu sele-d as the most prospective and high qwl& product.