Analisis Pengaruh Penambahan Ultra Fine Bubble pada B100 terhadap Kinerja Motor Traktor Roda Dua
Biodiesel memiliki keunggulan yaitu dapat diperbarukan dan lebih ramah lingkungan. Namun, bahan bakar ini memiliki kekurangan bila dibandingkan bahan bakar diesel, yaitu mempunyai nilai kalor rendah sehingga menyebabkan peningkatan konsumsi bahan bakar pada mesin. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan teknologi baru untuk meningkatkan nilai kalor biodiesel agar pembakarannya lebih optimal. Teknologi ultra fine bubble diharapkan dapat meningkatkan performansi mesin dengan bahan bakar biodiesel. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ultra fine bubble pada B100 terhadap performa mesin. Penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu persiapan alat dan bahan, uji fungsional dan uji kinerja. Penambahan ultra fine bubble pada bahan bakar B100 normal mengalami peningkatan performa pada motor diesel traktor roda dua. Biodiesel B100 dari injeksi ultra fine bubble 1 lpm, 3 lpm dan 5 lpm mempunyai nilai torsi diatas B100 normal dengan nilai torsi 1411 Nm sehingga durasi mesin bekerja dapat bertahan lebih lama pada biodiesel injeksi UFB dibandingkan biodiesel normal. Biodiesel B100 hasil injeksi UFB memberikan performa yang lebih baik pada daya mesin (6,38 HP) dibandingkan B100 normal yang hanya mempunyai nilai 5,68 HP. Dari pengujian penambahan ultra fine bubble pada bahan bakar B100 memberikan performa lebih baik terhadap penurunan konsumsi bahan bakar.
Kata kunci: Biodiesel B100, Injeksi Ultra Fine Bubble, Kinerja Mesin Biodiesel has the advantage of being renewable and more environmentally friendly. However, it has a drawback compared to diesel fuel, namely its low calorific value, leading to increased fuel consumption in engines. Therefore, new technologies are needed to enhance the calorific value of biodiesel for more optimal combustion. Ultra-fine bubble technology is expected to improve engine performance with biodiesel fuel. This research aimed to investigate the effect of adding ultra-fine bubbles to B100 on engine performance. The study comprised several stages, including equipment and material preparation, functional tests, and performance tests. The addition of ultra-fine bubbles to normal B100 fuel resulted in improve performance in a two-wheel tractor diesel engine. Biodiesel B100 with ultra fine bubble injection at rates of 1 lpm, 3 lpm, and 5 lpm showed torque values above normal B100, reaching 1411 Nm. This indicated that the engine's working duration can be extended when using biodiesel with UFB injection compared to normal biodiesel. Biodiesel B100 resulting from UFB injection demonstrated better engine power performance (6.38 HP) compared to normal B100, which only had a value of 5.68 HP. Testing the addition of ultra-fine bubbles to B100 fuel showed improved performance in reducing fuel consumption.
Keywords: Biodiesel B100, Diesel Performance, Ultra Fine Bubble Injection