Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Traceability Beras Semi Organik
Padi sehat atau dikenal beras semi organik merupakan usaha tani yang menerapkan budidaya pertanian ramah terhadap lingkungan. Padi sehat merupakan gabungan antara pertanian organik dan konvensional. Dalam upaya menerapkan budidaya padi sehat diperlukan sistem yang dapat melakukan pendataan terhadap proses pemanenan hingga pascapanen yang terintergrasi di website. Unit pemanenan, unit penggilingan, unit pengemasan (produsen), dan end user terlibat dalam sistem rancang bangun informasi traceability beras semi organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem informasi traceability beras semi organik berdasarkan pemindaian Quick Respon (QR) Code untuk mengetahui informasi produk beras yang dapat diakses melalui website. Metode penelitian mengacu pada metode system development life cycle (SDLC) yang terdiri dari investigasi sistem, analisis sistem, desain sistem, implementasi, pemeliharaan, dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan website yang dapat melakukan pendataan dan ketertelusuran melalui pemindaian QR Code menggunakan smartphone yang melibatkan produsen dan end user. End user dapat melakukan layanan pengaduan yang terdapat pada sistem terkait kualitas beras. Berdasarkan hasil uji system usability scale (SUS), didapatkan nilai sebesar 80,75 yang mengartikan sistem diterima oleh pengguna dan termasuk kategori A. Pengujian verifikasi sistem berjalan dengan baik dan dalam pengujian kompatibilitas browser, tidak ditemukan permasalahan sehingga dapat diterapkan ke dalam semua jenis browser. Healthy rice, also known as semi-organic rice, is an agricultural business that implements environmentally friendly agricultural cultivation. Healthy rice is a combination of organic and conventional farming. In an effort to implement healthy rice cultivation, a system is needed that can collect data from the harvest process to post-harvest which is integrated on the website. Harvesting units, milling units, packaging units (producers), and end users are involved in the semi-organic rice traceability information design system. This research aims to build a semi-organic rice tracking information system based on Quick Respon (QR) Code scanning to find out rice product information that can be accessed via the website. The research method refers to the system development life cycle (SDLC) method which consists of system investigation, system analysis, system design, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation. This research produces a website that can collect and search for data through scanning QR Codes using a smartphone involving producers and end users. End users can carry out complaint services in the system regarding rice quality. Based on the system usability scale (SUS) testing results, a score of 80.75 was obtained, which means the system was accepted by users and was included in category A. The system verification test went well and no problems were found in browser compatibility testing so it can be applied to all types of browsers.